Need help waking up without abusing the snooze button?
I dread waking up so much that the snooze button becomes my best friend in the morning. I tried everything to stop myself from going back to bed, but I recently read something that might be the answer. In the book Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod talked about the Five-Minute Snooze-Proof
Screw motivation
Does this sound familiar to you? You wake up, realise that you have to get some work done. However, there's a nagging voice telling you that you don't feel like it. That you shouldn't do it. That you should do something more fun instead. A few minutes later, you end
Why I've been slacking off the past few weeks
I've been really sluggish, unproductive, and easily distracted for the past few days. I've been slacking off with my studies, writing, and doing exercises for the Roam Book Club. As I go through my weekly review, I think I understood the reason why I've been in a slump lately -
To-Don’t List: An easy method to improve your productivity
One of the best ways to improve our performance is to subtract, not add. Electronic manufacturers in Japan did this in the 1970s to improve their products. In an article titled "Better All the Time", James Surowiecki writes: "Japanese firms emphasized what came to be known as 'lean production,'
Implementation intention: a simple trick to achieve your goals
Need a simple trick to make you more likely to follow through with your plans? Try out implementation intention. Implementation intention means to decide where and when you will do something. For example, "I will write for 30 minutes [ACTION] on 25 April 2021 [DATE] in the library [PLACE] at
At the age of 30, Ludwig van Beethoven complained about his diminishing hearing: "From a distance, I do not hear the high notes of the instruments and the singers' voices." He responded by resisting his disability while he could and by playing the piano as forceful as possible to hear
Slothtivity: the Secret to Happiness with Sloth-paced Productivity
Our brain is wired to conserve energy whenever possible. In that sense, everyone is lazy. This is called the Law of Least Effort, which states that people will naturally gravitate towards the option that requires the least amount of work when facing two possibilities. We are motivated to be lazy.
How I journal and reflect
It’s easy to be on autopilot when it comes to life. Taking action is not enough. You need to remain conscious of how well you are doing to improve. We might get too comfortable in our life when we’re continually taking action and slip into complacency. We get
How I prioritise my tasks
Does this sound familiar to you? You open your to-do list, and you find at least 20+ tasks. You don’t know what to do next, and you go through each of them without deliberation. By the end of the day, you realise that you haven’t accomplished much; you
What do your mornings look like?
What makes a good morning routine? To me, a good one isn’t one you copy from Elon Musk or Warren Buffett. It’s the one that you want to do and actually works for you. A good morning routine can prepare you for the day ahead, but a bad