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Need help waking up without abusing the snooze button?

I dread waking up so much that the snooze button becomes my best friend in the morning. I tried everything to stop myself from going back to bed, but I recently read something that might be the answer. In the book Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod talked about the Five-Minute Snooze-Proof

Need help waking up without abusing the snooze button?
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Practising in Public

I haven't written my newsletter in almost 2 months. Sometimes, I feel like I don't have much to share at times, and I've been a bit hectic recently - I just got out of self-isolation as a COVID Close Contact. That being said, I finally came to my senses that

Practising in Public
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20 Ideas That Changed My Life

Here are 20 ideas that changed my life. My hope is that these ideas will help you think better and live happier, more productive lives. 1. Via Negativa Instead of adding things to solve your problems, remove negative things. What you don't do determines what you can do. For example,

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Direct learning - the only way to learn

The easiest way to learn is simply by spending a lot of time doing what you want to become good at. If you want to learn how to write, write articles instead of reading books on writing. If you want to learn how to play the piano, play a song

Direct learning - the only way to learn
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Screw motivation

Does this sound familiar to you? You wake up, realise that you have to get some work done. However, there's a nagging voice telling you that you don't feel like it. That you shouldn't do it. That you should do something more fun instead. A few minutes later, you end

Screw motivation
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Building a Habit Tracker in Roam Research

If you want your habits to stick, you need to track them. James Clear mentions habit tracking as one way to stick with your habits in his book, Atomic Habits. Making progress is satisfying, and visual measures—like moving paper clips or hairpins or marbles—provide clear evidence of your

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My Zettelkasten Journey: Understanding the Differences between Fleeting Notes, Literature Notes, Reference Notes, and Permanent Notes

One of the ideas I've always wanted to implement is the Zettelkasten or Smart Notes note-taking method. I was introduced to this idea in the book How To Take Smart Notes by Sonke Ahrens, and I've been spending a lot of time thinking about how I can implement it for

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How I use Roam Research to get my most important tasks done

Anthony Trollope is a ridiculously productive writer. After he released his first novel, he published 47 novels, 18 works of non-fiction, 12 short stories, two plays, and various articles and letters. His secret? Writing in 15-minute intervals for three hours per day “It had at this time become my custom,

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Why I've been slacking off the past few weeks

I've been really sluggish, unproductive, and easily distracted for the past few days. I've been slacking off with my studies, writing, and doing exercises for the Roam Book Club. As I go through my weekly review, I think I understood the reason why I've been in a slump lately -

Why I've been slacking off the past few weeks
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To-Don’t List: An easy method to improve your productivity

One of the best ways to improve our performance is to subtract, not add. Electronic manufacturers in Japan did this in the 1970s to improve their products. In an article titled "Better All the Time", James Surowiecki writes: "Japanese firms emphasized what came to be known as 'lean production,'