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Welcome to my second brain. My notebook is where I test my ideas in public.

A collection of ideas I get while reading, but too immature for an essay. If a note resonates with others, I develop it into an essay. Think of my essays as complete paintings and my notebook as rough sketches. You get the idea.

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Stick to your goals with commitment devices

Victor Hugo had a huge problem finishing "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". Instead of writing, he partied. To keep up with the deadline, he did something strange- he locked up all his clothes. Unable to go out, he finished the first draft. The greatest orator of Athens, Demosthenes, did something

Stick to your goals with commitment devices
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How I begin my day

Hey peeps, I've recently added something to my mornings that has changed my perspective when dealing with other people. It's a quote from the last of Ancient Rome's Five Good Emperors - Marcus Aurelius. In Meditations - his journal turned into a book - he wrote about how to begin

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How many pets do you have?

Hey friends, I just wanted to share an amazing post from Derek Sivers that I read today. I used to have too many pets. Each time I adopted one, I was fully in love. I was enamored with the potential. Each new pet was meant to be my constant companion.

How many pets do you have?
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Plan your week

Every Sunday, I plan my upcoming week. I use Google Calendar for this so I can refer to it on any device and get notifications. Planning my week might take lots of time, but the time spent has a high return on investment considering how much you get done. It

Plan your week
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Sleep is good

Hey friends! I just finished attending a workshop hosted by Packy McCormick and David Perell on online writing as part of the build-up to WoP 7. It's so full of energy; it reminded me of my time in WoP6. It's 3.30AM on my side, and I realised that I

Sleep is good
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Habits are like Jenga

Whenever we tell ourselves that we're going to exercise more or read more, we often fail not because we lack motivation or discipline - it's because we forget to do it. To combat that, we can link two habits together to make your desired behaviour obvious. This is called habit

Habits are like Jenga
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Make your work more enjoyable with temptation bundling

Do you struggle to start your tasks? You know you should do it, and you know that there will be consequences if you don't do it, yet you still end up putting it off and going to Netflix instead. The truth is, completing your tasks doesn't feel as good in

Make your work more enjoyable with temptation bundling
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Using your downtime to work on your side projects

How do you make time for your side projects? If you were to ask someone why they haven't started working on something they love, most of them would say, "I don't have time". But is that really true? We all have downtimes throughout our day, don't we? Why not use

Using your downtime to work on your side projects
Members Public

Productivity is a function of adequate rest

We're too obsessed with doing more these days that it's doing us more harm than good. We try to squeeze out as many things as possible that we forget to rest in hopes of being productive. The irony is that the more exhausted you are, the more prone you are

Productivity is a function of adequate rest
Members Public

Writing an Integrity Report

2021 hasn't exactly been the year I had hoped for. Going into 2021, I was hoping for better learning opportunities. I was hoping to go into the wards and learn clinical medicine. I was hoping to improve my fitness. I was hoping to write as many words as I possibly