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Effective Learning

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Learn faster with active recall

You can learn faster and remember more of what you learn by changing how you learn. I'll walk you through active recall, a simple technique proven to improve what you remember by 50%. What is active recall? Active recall is a learning technique where you test yourself on what you've

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Learn better with spaced repetition

Common learning techniques such as re-reading, highlighting, cramming and note-taking are ineffective. So what does work? Spaced repetition is an evidence-based technique that leverages the spacing effect. It is proven to increase the rate of learning. “Your memory is a monster; you forget—it doesn't. It simply files things away.

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Make Learning a Game - A Beginner's Guide to Anki

Research proves that standard studying practices like lectures, re-reading, highlighting are ineffective. They're boring and frustrates students daily. So what does work? What if there's a memory card game that allows you to remember anything? I've been playing it for three years since I entered medical school. By playing this

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3 Ideas to Learn Better

It's 4 in the morning. I  downed a cup of instant coffee, reached for my Biology notes and started to cram plant taxonomy. My Biology finals was in 4 hours, and I needed to get good marks to get into medical school. I went through the same process for my

3 Ideas to Learn Better